A little red apple
Hung high in a tree I looked up at it And it looked down at me "Come down, please" I called And what do you suppose That little red apple Dropped right on my nose Five little oranges lying on the floor.
I'll roll one away, and that leaves four. Four little oranges hanging on a tree. I'll pick one off, and that leaves three. Three little oranges, I know what to do! I'll put one in my pocket, and that leaves two. Two little oranges sitting in the sun. I'll pick one up, and that leaves one. One little orange waiting in my lunch. I'll eat it up with a crunch, crunch, crunch! (Tune: Clementine) Picked a strawberry, Picked a strawberry, That was growing In the sun, Then I washed it, And I ate it, And I picked another one. Five big lemons in the bowl
One fell out and started to roll It bumped off the table and hit my toe How many lemons in the bowl 1, 2, 3, 4 Four big lemons... |
Way up high, in the apple tree (raise hands over head)
Two red apples smiled at me (smile) So I shook that tree as hard as I could (Pretend to shake tree) Down came the apples, mmm, they were good!!!! (Rub tummy) Sung to: "Yankee Doodle"
Peel an apple, cut it up, Cook it in a pot. When you taste it you will find It's applesauce you've got! A-B-CDE
Watermelon is good for me. F-G-HIJ I can eat it everyday. P-Q-RST Ripe and very juicy U-V-WXY You will like it if you give it a try. Z-Z-ZZZ Watermelon is good for me. (Chant about other fruit) Bananas are my favorite fruit
(pretend to hold banana) I eat one every day; I always take one with me, (put in pocket) When I go out to play. (wave goodbye) It gives me lots of energy (make muscle) To jump around and run, Bananas are my favorite fruit - (rub tummy) To me they're so much fun! |