5 Little Monkeys
5 little monkeys high up in the tree. Teasing Mr. Alligator, "You can't catch me, can't catch me, can't catch me!" Along comes Mr. Alligator quiet as can be…SNAP! that monkey right out of that tree! Continue song counting down till… 0 little monkeys…Along comes Mr. Alligator fat as can be! Why is he so fat? The Elephant
Tune to: "The Mulberry Bush" The elephant goes like this and that, this and that, this and that. (Walk heavily and stomp feet) The elephant goes like this and that, cause he's so big and he's so fat! (Puff up cheeks and stretch out arms) He has no fingers and has no toes, He has no fingers and has no toes. (Wiggle fingers; wiggle toes) He has no fingers and has no toes, But goodness, gracious, what a nose! (Pull hands out from face to suggest a long trunk.) Underneath The Monkey Tree
Tune to: "The Muffin Man" Come and play a while with me, Underneath the monkey tree. Monkey See and Monkey Do, Just like monkeys in the zoo. Swing your tail, one, two, three, Underneath the monkey tree. Monkey See and Monkey Do, Just like monkeys in the zoo. Jump around and smile like me, Underneath the monkey tree. Monkey See and Monkey Do, Just like monkeys in the zoo. |
The Zoo
Tune to: "Skip to My Lou" Come along children, we're going to the zoo,Come along children, we're going to the zoo, Come along children, we're going to the zoo, Going to the zoo today. See the animals living in the zoo, See the animals living in the zoo, See the animals living in the zoo, Living in the zoo today. I see a monkey sitting in a tree, I see a monkey sitting in a tree, I see a monkey sitting in a tree I see a monkey and it sees me. I see an elephant, big and gray, I see an elephant, big and gray, I see an elephant, big and gray. BIg gray elephant is eating hay I see a lion in a cage, I see a lion in a cage, I see a lion in a cage. I see a lion that roars with rage. I see a camel with a great big hump, see a camel with a great big hump, I see a camel with a great big hump. When he walks he goes "bump, bump." I see a zebra, black and white, I see a zebra, black and white, I see a zebra, black and white. Seeing the zebra is a sight. I see a giraffe, big and tall, I see a giraffe, big and tall, I see a giraffe, big and tall. He's not hard to see at all. We saw the animals living in the zoo, We saw the animals living in the zoo, We saw the animals living in the zoo. Living in the zoo today. |
An elephant
An elephant goes like this and that (stomp feet) He's terribly big (raise arms over head) And he’s terribly fat (stretch arms to side) He has no fingers (wiggle fingers) And he has no toes (wiggle feet) But, goodness gracious WHAT A NOSE!!!! (pull on pretend trunk in front of nose) We are going to the zoo
Tune to: "London Bridge" We are going to zoo, To the zoo, to the zoo. We are going to the zoo, Won't you join us too? We'll see lions, tigers too, Tigers too, tigers too. We'll see lions, tigers too, All at the zoo. We will find some chimpanzees, Chimpanzees, chimpanzees. we will find some chimpanzees, Swinging from the trees. We will look for kangaroos, Kangaroos, kangaroos. We will look for kangaroos, Hopping at the zoo. OH, I WISH I WAS
Tune “Oscar Meyer Song” Oh, I wish I were a hippo at the zoo, That is what I’d really like to be. Cause if I were a hippo at the zoo, I could shake my head and splash, you! Oh, I wish I were an elephant at the zoo, That is what I’d really like to be. Cause if I were an elephant at the zoo, I could fill my trunk and spray you! Oh, I wish I were seal at the zoo, That is what I’d really like to be. Cause if I were a seal at the zoo, I could splash my tail and drench, you! |