Humanity needs help, and the help can only come from children. They are the future, the hope to build a better society. We need to treat children with respect and care because how we treat them shapes their personalities and shapes how humanity will develop. A piece of humanity, the future is in them. We want a better world with less hate and more kindness, more respect, more love, more empathy, and more assertiveness, and for that, we need to start with our children. Each of them is where humanity is born.
The source if inspiration behind “Lou and his Mane” ❤️My own kids and my daycare kids, are the source of inspiration and also the reason why I decided to write my first children’s book, “Lou and his Mane” . Since I can remember, I have made-up stories on the spot to make things easier for them to understand a concept or idea. Looking at society nowadays made me realize that I need to do something more and write for my kids and all the little ones out there. Lou and his mane is about facing fears, solidarity, empathy, and friendship, encouraging the development of social and emotional skills needed for a better society. That is the purpose of the story.
Children need the opportunity to create. Creativity is a form of self-expression. We can stimulate creativity by reading books, listening to music, going for a walk, giving the child materials, letting them explore, and encouraging dramatic play.
Who is Lou? Lou is a strong, healthy, fearless, and friendly young Lion who lives in the Savannah jungle. Everybody in the jungle loves and respects him.
Lou has the loudest roar that you have ever heard. With vivacious rounded, big orangey-brown eyes with big round pupils. His mane is the most notorious part of his body; it is a blend of golden yellow and orange, bushy, thick and shiny. He loves it and is proud of it. Even though he is fearless, Lou has a “secret” he is afraid of going bald. One day his worst nightmare came true; he woke up and noticed something strange, his mane was gone. Oh no! Who took it? What can he do? Who can help him find his mane? Did he find support? Join Lou in his quest. Lou and his Mane at Amazon.
Help Lou and his friends solve the mystery of the missing mane, for free gifts visit , to get one copy visit Picture book, jungle animals ( major retailers Amazon. com.
Children with emotional education build a healthy sense of self-awareness, tolerate frustration better, get into fewer fights, and engage in less self-destructive behaviour than children who do not have a strong foundation. These children are also healthier, less lonely, less impulsive, and more focused, and they have greater academic achievement. . Hence the importance of starting emotional education early in life.
Emotional literacy is the ability to identify, understand, and respond to emotions in oneself and others in a healthy manner. Children who can label their emotions are on their way to becoming emotionally competent. How can an adult help the child? By Expressing our Feelings. One way to help children learn to label their emotions is to have healthy emotional expressions modelled for them by the adults in their lives. For example, “Oh boy, that is frustrating” I better take a deep breath. Healthily showing our emotions is the best way to teach children how to express feelings. Label Children’s Feelings. When we provide feeling names for children’s emotional expressions, we make a child’s feeling vocabulary grow. For example, you look happy, or I can see that …make you feel sad. As children’s feeling vocabulary develops, their ability to correctly identify feelings in themselves and others also progresses. Play Games, Sing Songs, and Read Stories with New Feeling Words. Adults can enhance children’s feeling vocabularies by introducing games, songs, and storybooks featuring new feeling words. Parents, Teachers and other caregivers can adapt songs such as “If you’re happy and you know it” with different feelings or Hello, how are you today? And ask Are you feeling happy? Are you feeling sad? And so on. The adult can show pictures with different expressions and then give them a mirror to copy the expression. Can put in a container some expression pictures and pass around when the music stops a child take one picture and try to copy it, ask what makes him feel that way. You can also play to guess the emotion. One child makes the expression, and the other guess. Read books and ask about the emotions.
I am so happy and truly grateful that my book Lou and his Mane,
Is being enjoyed Thank you to all who have read and reviewed it!
If we help children develop a strong sense of empathy, we are helping them build a sense of security, a sense of belonging, build strong relationships and as research showed us positioning them well for learning and improve their mental health.
Sometimes children make fun of their friends without realizing that their words hurt other’s feelings. In this case when Monkey realized that Lou was terribly sad stopped the chant.
Empathy is the ability to understand what other people feel. We can teach young children empathy by being good role models, empathizing and respecting their feelings. Caring for others and providing opportunities for children to practice empathy by giving examples and talking about how they feel and what they think |
January 2025