This is the second video, this time about the months of the year with some interesting information about each month.
Our job as parents and teachers is to provide them with the materials, opportunities and space to let their creativity blossom to its full potential.
Ways to prevent bullying among young children: - Be a good role model, -Encourage empathy - talk about the safe space rule and what that means: My body is safe, My feelings are safe, and my work is safe.- Show children pictures that show different behaviours involving two or more children, and discuss with them.- Give the children the words to express their feelings -work with them in conflict resolution.
You can find free worksheets, games and more at not only about Ocean Animals.
There are many benefits to Reading aloud to kids. The fact alone that it creates a stronger bond between parents and children should be enough but also Improve concentration and attention, enhances reading and literacy skills, enhances their language skills, and widens their imagination. Some benefits of reading aloud includes improve vocabulary, increased comprehension and sharpened focus. |
August 2024