TIME FLIES! One year ago, Lou and his Mane, my first children's book, was released into the world.
During this first year, so much has happened. Lou got terrific reviews; I started not one but two new books that will come soon. AND NOW, to celebrate my book's first birthday, I will Give away: five printed books (only for Canada) and ten apple ebooks (for all my Instagram and Facebook friends that want to participate. WHAT TO DO: follow me, comment here, and subscribe to eugarellibooks.com newsletter. You have until October 15 If you want to buy a book for your little one: you can purchase it at: https://www.emmasplace.ca/store/p7/louandhismane-emmaugarelli.html. or at Amazon.comhttps://www.amazon.com/Lou-his-Mane-Emma-Ugarelli/dp/1525588621/ref. For more ways to purchase it go to https://www.eugarellibooks.com
hat is why it is so important to nourish the imagination. Encourage to think outside the box, freely and with creativity. Our job as parents and teachers is to nurture our children's imagination and give them all the opportunities to enrich their experience and reach their own potential.
Now I have "Lou and his Mane felt story" for Storytime. Thank you @crochetfunnyvan, for your excellent work. I love it! |
January 2025